As far back as history goes, storytelling has been a method to pass on information from one generation to the next. From pre-historical times to today, stories are a great way share what you know with others. Students tend to perk up when stories are being told or when they can tell their own stories. In this presentation, you will see various technology tools that can be used for students, as well as yourself to tell a story.

Storytelling doesn't need to be confined to simply one subject or one topic. Storytelling can expand multiple curriculums.  Whether it about a novel that was read, explaining had to solve a math problem, understanding an aspect of science, to tell a story related a historical event or character.  A story can help make a connection that in other methods may not.

There are a number online tools, as well as applications, that can be used to allow students to tell their stories.  In this workshop, we will focus on several of these tools, including: 1) GoAnimate for Schools; 2) Pixton Comic Book Maker, and; 3) GarageBand. Educators can use storytelling to introduce new ideas or instruct students in a way students might not get elsewhere.  All it takes is a little creativity and some knowledge of the various tools that are out there for you to use. In this workshop you will see various technology tools that can be used for students, as well as yourself to tell a story.


Let's Work Together On Your Project

Nothing is worse than attempting to bring new ideas into your classroom and not being heard when seeking assistance. The crucial part is to clearly understand what you're looking for in the first meeting, in person or by video conference. Make sure you are being heard and not just offered some cookie-cutter approach. And remember, your first meeting is free!

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