Empowering Education Through Technology

Technology in Education Online

Enhancing learning experiences with innovative technology solutions.

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Enhancing Learning

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We offer innovative solutions to enhance educational experiences.

Integration vs. Using
Don’t Just Use Technology!
Integration vs. Using

Don’t make the mistake of thinking because you have students create a slide show, you’ve integrated technology.

Integrate Technology
Learn How to Integrate Technology
Make technology a part of your everyday classroom experience.

How does technology fits into education? Is there a clear path towards integrating technology into the classroom.

Google Earth
Learn How to Use Google Earth Pro & My Maps
Tell A Story Through Google Earth

This .html-based lesson will teach you how to use Google Maps Pro and Google My Maps to tell a story. Teachers and students will learn how to add locations, include descriptions, and create tours related to the story they want to tell. You will receive a compressed file that, when opened, can be viewed in any web browser. You can also add it to your website for students to access from anywhere.

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Numerous Products Available

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Open 24/7
Make Your Classroom Open 24/7
Learning Management System

Learn how to utilize an LMS, like Moodle, to use in your classroom to make it available 24 hours a day, 7 Days a week.

Tech Through Ages
Technology Through The Ages
Comic Book Series

Learn about Ancient Technology in this comic book series

Enhancing Education


Explore our cutting-edge tools.

From Comic Books to Teacher’s Tools, check out the Technology in Education Store for more details
Enhancing Education

Services Offered

What does education mean to you? Is it about test scores? Is it about higher-level thinking? Your philosophy of education will determine the way you teach. Haven’t given it much thought? Maybe now is the time.
Since the introduction of computers into schools, there has been much discussion of what defines technology integration. The real issue, however, may not be what is and is not integration but how to understand the varying levels of integration in different settings.
Educational Consultant
No Textbook. Basically, he uses his own version of Blackboard. I had him on Saturdays. He values participation and a very hands-on class. One final project with the presentation. He will help with anything. Nice guy and very helpful. I would take it again (even on Saturday.) – Stockton University Student
Innovate Education

Come and discover the cutting-edge advancements in the world of education with us.


5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
Dr. Taylor demonstrated an understanding of diverse learners by meeting individually with any student who needed assistance.  He also builds in formative assessment checks to conference with students throughout each ‘quest.’
Classroom Observation
Principal – Indian Mills Memorial School