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Times Are A Changin’

My website has been sitting here without many changes over the past few years. I decided it was time to start updating it and changing its look. I was first going to keep the site up and rebuild it locally so that it would stay active while updating. Well, the best-laid plans…

There were several obstacles as I attempted to transfer the site to my hosting service and decided to start from scratch. So, I went to update Technology in Education Online. One area that I wanted to update was reviewing some of the presentations I gave at several conferences.  I had posted all of my presentations on the website and thought I’d review them and update them before posting. I would post some for the sake of tech history since the topic I spoke about (iBook Author) was no longer around. 

One presentation was entitled, Any One for An App-it-izer?

My website has been sitting here without many changes over the past few years. I decided it was time to start updating it and changing its look. I was first going to keep the site up and rebuild it locally so that it would stay active while updating. Well, the best-laid plans…

There were several obstacles as I attempted to transfer the site to my hosting service and finally decided I’d start from scratch. So, I went to update Technology in Education Online. One area that I wanted to update was reviewing some of the presentations I gave at several conferences.  I had posted all of my presentations on the website and thought I’d review them and update them before posting. I would post some for the sake of tech history since the topic I spoke about (iBook Author) was no longer around. 

One presentation was entitled, Any One for An App-it-izer?

I created a Resource page that broke down the various categories in the presentation. I then pulled up the PowerPoint presentation and reviewed all the apps to see which ones were still around. It was like a stroll down memory lane. Some apps I hadn’t considered for years, others when I found they no longer existed, brought a sense of loss. Glogster, for example, was an online app I used with students to create interactive posters. It seemed to be a popular app that had a substantial following. I was disappointed to see it is gone. It was temporarily suspended in August 2022.  If I type in glogster.com, a brief message about it being temporarily suspended takes me to Canvastera Beta, which looks like Glogster.

The Resource page will allow everyone to review apps related to various subjects, from Arts and Music to Science. There is also a Classroom Management & Teacher Tools section and a Student Tools section. Each resource includes links to the apps to make it easy to find out more information or download them. 

If you have any questions, comments, or an app to recommend for inclusion on the list, please let me know. You can contact me at ajtaylor@techinedonline.com

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